Scaling the supply of aspirational rental housing

for Zambia’s emerging middle class

Real solutions for the urban mass market

Thrive is developing aspirational housing – but this does not mean luxury for the top 10%. This means economical units that are a great fit for the needs and wants of the deep pool of urban Zambians working towards achieving a middle class lifestyle. This group is severely underserved, and Thrive is committed to presenting affordable options that raise the bar.

Contributing leadership in the transition to a climate-friendly built environment

Thrive is acutely aware of the environmental challenges to which housing development contributes:

Power Consumption

Water Consumption

CO2e emissions 

Rapidly developing economies need leadership in addressing these matters. Thrive is planning the development of the first IFC-EDGE compliant housing complex in Zambia.

Translating local insight into enthusiastic residential demand

We know our customers

Thrive is firmly rooted in the Zambian social fabric, but more importantly, we prioritize spending time with our prospective residents to truly understand their needs.  This is achieved through focus groups, housing unit visits, and over 1,000 in-person surveys completed in 2023.  We know who our customers are, and what they are looking for.

Designing the financial structures that unlock affordable green housing development at scale

In the absence of efficient debt capital markets in Zambia, Thrive must structure innovative capital flows (independently, or with partners) that enable the scaling of our housing development model.  Regardless of the source of capital, unlocking its availability is inherently a critical element of our business.

Our Partners

Thrive partners with various organizations in Zambia and beyond in pursuit of our mission

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